Events that have occurred

Recently I have received several comments about my BelieveInSteve jacket. The first event that occurred was at a store. The cashier didn’t seem to be talking much to other customers but when she saw my jacket she commented on how her sons name was Steven. I told her the story behind the jacket and she laughed and thought it was amusing. The second event was at a get together with family and friends of my grandfather for his birthday. I got many remarks as to how people find it amusing and funny, The third event to take place was when I was with friends, a group of people asked me about BelieveInSteve and I directed them to the website and they laughed and thought it was pretty cool.

20% Project Update

So far I have had more views on the website and I have talked more about BelieveInSteve. I even got stopped by a man whose name was also Steve and I explained to him BelieveInSteve and he laughed. He stopped me when I was wearing my BelieveInSteve sweatshirt and he said he wanted to buy one. image1

Wattpad App Review!


Some may wonder what the app Wattpad is. Wattpad is an app designed for people to write their own stories which can then be read by others. The app is very easy to use with simple instructions. Wattpad also allows there to be a bit of customization along with the stories you read. This app delivers on its promise to have an exciting read or a fun writing of a story that you have always wanted to write. This app is useful for those who want to read a new story or pass the time and write their own! I highly recommend setting up an account today!